How to Jump Higher in High Jump?

If you are into sports and participate in high jump, you would probably want to jump high. This is not an easy task. You will have to dedicate some time and put some effort to increase your vertical jump. This article will give you certain tips on how you can increase your vertical jump.

1. If you are a beginner athlete, avoid using normal high jump bars because you may get hurt if you land on it. It is better to use a bungee cord or a flexible high jump bar in your practice sessions. There is also another benefit for this. If you were to dislodge the bar, don’t keep replacing every time this happens.

2. You have to find the correct takeoff leg from which to jump. You can do this in a simple way by having someone push you from behind. This will help you to immediately adjust your footing to regain your balance. When you adjust your balance, the leg you use will be most likely to be the correct one to high jump from.

3. Use between 5-8 strides for your complete approach run. The jumper should start the run slowly then increase the speed steadily towards the takeoff. Make sure that the final 2 strides of the approach should be fast and snappy. Any adjustments in the approach run should be made only once you are completely warmed up.

4. The placing of the takeoff leg to the ground has to be from just inside to the nearest standard. It should be about an arm’s distance from the bar. You will get the time to get up and over the bar from this. Make sure that your takeoff foot is pointed toward the far upright.

5. Now you must focus on a powerful and quick knee drive. For this, your knee should be driven up and turned slightly inwards. The rotation around the body’s longitudinal axis will be aided from this. You will end up with your back to the bar ready to clear it head first. Make sure that your shoulders and torso should follow the knee.

6. The jumper should naturally rotate around the bar if the takeoff has been executed properly. You will achieve the bar clearance by throwing your head back with your chin up just before your buttock is over the bar. By doing this, the shoulder will drop and the hip will rise. If you attempt the bar clearance too soon this will stop you from gaining height. Until you gain maximum height from your leg drive, it is better to delay arching.

7. You should tuck your chin into your chest as you clear the bar. It will cause your legs to rise and help them to clear the bar after your hips have passed over. Land as high on your shoulders as possible. Thus  you can continue to rotate and do a backward somersault as you land.

There is a good chance if you follow this Vert Shock Review, You can add increase in your jump higher in High Jump


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